01 February 2024

"Ready to fight"

New contacts, joint projects and unification around the idea of liberation of Belarus - these are the results of public meetings with members of the Kalinouski Regiment in European cities.

The commander of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment Denis Prokharau “Kit” and the deputy Regiment commander Vadim Kabanchuk held meetings with Belarusians in 11 cities in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Lithuania. In total, about a thousand Belarusians participated in the meetings.

The commander of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment Denis Prokharau “Kit” and the deputy Regiment commander Vadim Kabanchuk held meetings with Belarusians in 11 cities in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Lithuania. In total, about a thousand Belarusians participated in the meetings.

Sometimes there was not enough space in the room for those who came to talk with the regimental command. Photo: Kalinouski Regiment press service.

The main topics that Belarusians raised at the meetings were the participation of Belarusians in military operations in Ukraine, the political aspect of the Regiment and the topic of the liberation of Belarus.

“There is a lot of false information about the war. This is mainly the result of Russian propaganda. For example, there are false rumors that the Ukrainian army is mistreating belarusian military volunteers. We tried to dispel these false myths and tell truth about the Regiment as fully as possible. Of course, all the Belarusians who came to meet with us were interested in the direction of the Regiment’s political activities and the broader issue of the liberation of Belarus. It’s good that Belarusians who live abroad do not forget about Belarus and want to return to our native country and are ready to fight for it,” says Denis “Kit” Prokharau.

Photo: “RUH”

In this aspect, Belarusians are interested in ways of cooperation with the regiment. We offer a wide range of opportunities to work in this area. This includes the implementation of joint projects in various areas, volunteering,  military training with further stay in our reserve and direct participation in combat operations as part of the Regiment. Based on the results of the meetings, we and the Belarusians of Europe will together begin to implement a lot of necessary ideas.”


“These heroes are my hope that evil will lose.” What are the results of meetings with diplomats?

The tour was part of a strategy to unite Belarusians around the idea of liberating native country. Earlier, for this purpose, the Kalinouski Regiment organized the “Path to Freedom” conference in Kyiv. 

“During our tour of European cities, consultations were held with the structures that signed the Memorandum on the results of the conference. Further joint actions are also planned,” says Vadim Kabanchuk.

Members of the Regiment during a meeting with Czech diplomats.
Photo: Marek Ženíšek, Twitter 

Members of the Kalinouski Regiment held a number of meetings with European politicians. Thus, in Prague, the Belarusians met with Tomas Kopečný — former Deputy Minister of Defense and now Government Commissioner for Ukraine's reconstruction, head of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Marek Ženišek and Member of Parliament Ondřej Kolar; with publicist and philosopher Petr Hlaváček. After this meeting, the head of the foreign policy committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Czech parliamentarian Marek Jenisek, wrote on his Twitter page (now "X"): "These heroes are my hope that evil will lose." In addition, the deputies gave the Belarusian fighters a greeting from Czech President Petr Pavel. He would also like to take part in the meeting of the deputies with the Belarusian volunteers, but due to the tight schedule he couldn't do it. However, he invited the Belarusians to the meeting during their next visit.

In Wroclaw, members of the Regiment had a conversation with Michał Jarosz, a member of the Polish Sejm.

“In addition, during meetings with European politicians we managed to establish new contacts and reach specific agreements,” Kabanchuk added.

From January 21 to February 1, the Belarusian volunteers held meetings with Belarusians in Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, Wroclaw, Prague, Berlin, Poznan, Bydgoszcz, Gdansk, Bialystok and Vilnius.

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