22 August 2022

Weekly news 15‑21.08.2022 (№8)

Press release No. 8: combat awards, Litvin battalion, changes in the composition of the Regiment, answers to questions.

You are watching another press release by the Kalinouski Regiment.

Let’s begin with the front news.

Volunteers of the Kalinouski Regiment continue to perform combat tasks on the fronts of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The valor of the Regiment's volunteers was highly appreciated by the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. For the unprecedented courage shown by the members of the regiment during the task in Severodanetsk, four fighters of the "Volat" battalion were presented with combat awards by the decision of the command.

During the past week, the Kalinouski Regiment underwent certain changes in its composition. As we have already reported, part of the "Terror" battalion was separated from the Regiment, retaining the name of the "Terror" unit. These changes did not affect the fighting ability and unity of our Regiment. Each fighter has the right to a personal point of view on various issues, but each of us has a single goal, which is the foundation of the Regiment. We are liberating Belarus through the liberation of Ukraine. The words of the Vow given by the volunteers reflect the thoughts and feelings of every Belarusian who has decided to take up arms to confront our common enemy.

It should be noted that the number of Belarusians who are ready to resist the Russian invasion with weapons in their hands is steadily growing.

Last week, a new group of recruits arrived at the base, already enrolled in the training company and started training under the guidance of instructors. The "Litvin" battalion was formed as part of the Kalinouski Regiment. Soon, the soldiers of the battalion will perform combat tasks at the front.

Let's move on to answering your questions that have come to us since the previous press release.

Our subscribers are wondering: is the video known on social networks as "Battle of the Czech Volunteers" related to the Kalinouski Regiment?

This video captures the moment of a close shooting battle in which fighters of the Volat battalion participated. The battle took place during the operation to liberate the village in the South of Ukraine, where the Kalinouski’s members lost their brothers. Behind the scenes – the voice of the volunteer of the regiment with the call "Czech". He is actually from the Czech Republic, but he is a fighter of the "Volat" battalion.

Our subscribers are interested, do the soldiers of the Kalinouski Regiment speak Belarusian? Which language is heard more often at our military bases: Russian or Belarusian?

Quite a significant part of our soldiers speak Belarusian. At the same time, many of them completely switched to the Belarusian language at the very beginning of the war in Ukraine. It should be noted that the number of residents of the Regiment who speak Belarusian is constantly growing. It should also be noted that all the documentation of the Regiment is conducted exclusively in the Belarusian language.

Future recruits of the Kalinouski Regiment ask what documents they need to have to sign a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

When signing the contract, it is enough to have your passport. It will be good if you prepare in advance 2 photos in the format 3x4 and two copies of the last two pages of the passport. If you do not have photos and copies of passport pages, you can make them in Kyiv.

Today, in the information part, we decided to give a word to the recruits of the Regiment.

Now they are enrolled in training and are preparing for combat operations. The recruits said that, in their opinion, it would be good to exercise in civilian life to feel more confident during the first lessons with the instructors.

Please note that a low level of physical fitness is not an obstacle to enrollment in the Regiment. Experienced instructors work with all recruits, and they practice an individual approach to each volunteer. if the initial level is low, the instructor suggests a training plan with a gradually increasing load. The necessary physical form is acquired quickly.

In the end, I will remind that you can send your questions to our contacts. Media representatives, please contact us using the same contacts.

You can also support the Regiment by donating or volunteering.

You can learn more about all the important events in the life of the Regiment, which we cover in the press release, from the publications on our social networks and on the official website of the regiment.

Thank you for your attention. And see you next Monday.

Long live Belarus!

Glory to Ukraine!

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