05 September 2022

Weekly news 29.08-4.09 (№10)

Last week, the battalion's fighters took part in battalion-level offensive operations. Preparatory actions were also taken to improve positions and create conditions for further offensive. During the offensive operations, the "Volat" battalion suffered no losses.

Last week, Ukraine celebrated the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of the Country. The Kalinoŭski Regiment remembered the brothers who have gone to eternity. 13 Belarusian volunteers sacrificed their lives to stop the evil that came to the free land.

A few days ago, fighters of the Kalinoŭski Regiment trained at one of the training centers of the Armed forces of Ukraine. There they took part in a special operation of the Ukrainian police to search for a criminal who is accused of killing and raping minors. As a result, our fighters detained the suspected and handed him over to the police.

Answers to questions

1. Soon we plan to conduct a live streams with the commanders of the Regiment.

2. We keep in touch with all the guys who are fighting in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We have a good connection due to the fact that we are actually doing the same thing.

3. We support any initiatives aimed at effective methods of fighting the dictatorship in Belarus including “Suprativ”.

4. The management of the Regiment made a decision to nominate political representatives. Soon there will be news about political representatives. Follow our channels.

5. Soon we will also announce an initiative to create a force reserve in the Republic of Belarus.

The head of the Mobilization Center in Warsaw, Pavel "Willy" Kuchta, gives advice and recommendations to future recruits of the Kalinoŭski Regiment: indicate in your autobiography your professional skills, answer to all questions in chatbot, arrive at the mobilization center on time, physical training is a very important.

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