04 December 2022

Weekly news 28.11-4.12 (№23)

Front news

Last week, mortar units of battalion "Litvin" took part in combat missions with allies from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The reconnaissance units worked on the front line. Some of the soldiers continue training to prepare for new tasks.

Soldiers of Volat battalion continue to perform combat tasks. The fighters are defending on one of the hottest sections of the front.

The regimental UAV unit named after Nikita Kryutsov trained personnel for a combat mission, and also conducted reconnaissance of the occupier's positions. The UAV division has expanded, which will make it possible to carry out even more effective work.

No losses or wounded this week.

Meetings with the mayors of the largest cities of the Volyn region and with the leadership of the Rivne region

Representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment held meetings with the mayors of the largest cities of the Volyn region and with the leadership of the Rivne region.

The meetings were held with the aim of establishing cooperation with local self-government bodies and informing about the struggle of Belarusians for the independence of Ukraine. During the trip, important issues of coordination of actions to protect the regions in case of aggression from the territory of Belarus were discussed.

During the meeting, great attention was paid to the issue of establishing relations between the Belarusian and Ukrainian people. The fighters of the regiment made a special emphasis on the fact that Belarus should now be perceived as an occupied territory. In the future, Russian aggression from the territory of Belarus will become impossible only if nationally oriented politicians will rule our country, and not Lukashenko, a puppet of Moscow.

The Kalinoŭski Regiment continues to move towards victory and free Belarus together with the Ukrainian people.

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