15 December 2022

Meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights

The Kalinoŭski Regiment, together with Belarusian human rights defenders, defends the interests of Belarusians in Ukraine.

On December 14, representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment and human rights defenders met with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytri Lubinets, in Kyiv.

It was attended by 10 people's deputies of the inter-factional group of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "For a democratic Belarus", as well as lawyers of the Free Belarus Center.

The representatives of the Regiment raised the issue of two our prisoners. Mr. Lubinets assured that he would facilitate their release.

Other important issues for Belarusians in Ukraine were also discussed.

Meeting results:

  1. Agreement on the joint work of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada with representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment and human rights defenders will help systematically solve the problems of our compatriots.

  2. They decided to make such meetings regular.

On these and other issues raised at the meeting, the deputies will communicate with the office of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment and human rights defenders.

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