19 December 2022

Weekly news 12-18.12 (№25)

Front news

Last week, the mortar crew of the "Litvin" battalion, together with the famous 777 howitzers, which are in the armed forces of the Armed Forces, worked out the enemy force and equipment. Our UAV carried out the adjustment of fire. The task was completed successfully, the enemy was destroyed.

Warriors of the "Volat" battalion retook the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine previously occupied by the enemy and pushed back the invaders. Enemy manpower was destroyed during close contact combat. Among the soldiers of the battalion, one is slightly wounded. Volat batallion continues to hold the defense on the trusted section of the front.

The UAV regimental unit named after Nikita Kryutsov adjusted the artillery fire, thanks to which the allies destroyed the ammunition storage and two enemy mortar positions. The unit made a reconnaissance of the location of the enemy's heavy armored vehicles. During which the positions of two tanks were exposed.

The Kalinoŭski Regiment continues to perform combat missions. There are no losses this week.

Meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytri Lubinets

On December 14, representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment and human rights defenders met with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytri Lubinets, in Kyiv.

It was attended by 10 people's deputies of the inter-factional group of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "For a democratic Belarus", as well as lawyers of the Free Belarus Center.

The representatives of the Regiment raised a question about two of our prisoners. Mr. Lubinets assured that he would facilitate their release.

Other important issues for Belarusians in Ukraine were also discussed.

The final part of the training company training

This week also the final part of training of the new recruits took place: a 15 km march was held, actions during an ambush, evacuation of the wounded, setting up an observation post in a forest area, actions during artillery fire and an attack by the sabotage-reconnaissance group were practiced. All exercises were held in the open air. Recruits spent the night in the forest in close combat conditions.

Meetings with the leadership of the Chernihiv Regional Council

Representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment held meetings with the leadership of the Chernihiv Regional Council, the leaders of the largest cities in the region – Chernihiv and Nizhyn, and representatives of the regional military administration.

At all the negotiations, we met a complete understanding of our position, that the Belarusian and Ukrainian people are close to each other, that today Belarus is an occupied country.

Strategic goals

This week, at the community meeting of the Kalinoŭski Regiment, we outlined and approved our strategic goals.

Ukraine, whose independence we are defending today, has declared its firm intention to become part of the EU and NATO. Therefore, we believe that a natural reference point for Belarus is to strive to join the European Union and become a part of NATO.

The European development vector of Belarus can be ensured only after the de-occupation of our state from Russian troops and the dismantling of the internal dictatorial regime.

You can read the full text on our website.

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