26 December 2022

Weekly news 19-25.12 (№26)

Kalinoŭski regiment continues to perform combat tasks

Last week, the mortar units of the "Litvin" battalion worked on enemy positions, thanks to the adjustment of our UAV. Also the automatic grenade launcher destroyed the enemy force.

Part of the soldiers of the "Volat" battalion are on a combat mission in one of the most dangerous areas of the front, the details of which we will be able to reveal to you only after its completion.

The second part of the battalion successfully completed another combat mission.

The UAV regimental unit named after Nikita Kryutsov conducts reconnaissance on a designated section of the front. The unit has its own mortar unit, which has already successfully completed the task. The UAV adjusted the fire calculation, resulting in the destruction of enemy manpower.

There were no deaths and wounded this week.

New recruits took an oath of loyalty to the Belarusian people

Last week, new recruits took an oath of loyalty to the Belarusian people, received military tickets, Regimental chevrons and personal weapons. You can also become a part of the Regiment.

Send your questionnaires to our chatbot @BelarusAndUkraineBot. Together until the very liberation of Belarus.

Awards of the soldiers

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine honored the soldiers of the Regiment with awards "For bravery during the execution of special tasks"!

We are proud of our warriors who heroically fight for the freedom of the Ukrainian and Belarusian people.

Meeting with the leadership of the Zhytomyr Region

Representatives of the Kalinoŭski Regiment met with the leadership of the Zhytomyr Region.

In a short period of time, we established working relations with the leadership of all Ukrainian regions bordering Belarus. Previously, the regiment's representatives had already visited the Volyn, Rivne, and Chernihiv regions.

This time there were meetings with the mayors of the cities of Zhytomyr and Zvyagel, the leadership of the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration. As a result, a number of concrete agreements were reached to support the regiment by the major of the city of Zhytomyr.

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