02 January 2023

Weekly news 26.12-1.01.2023 (№27)

Kalinoŭski regiment continues to perform combat tasks

Last week, reconnaissance and UAVs worked in the "Litvin" battalion. The combat training of personnel continued in the same way.

Warriors of the "Volat" battalion continued to maintain defense in the hottest part of the front, effectively inflicting fire damage on the enemy's concentration.

The UAV regimental unit named after Nikita Kryutsov adjusted its mortar calculation, which successfully worked on enemy positions.

The summary stream for 2022

Last week, the summary stream of the Kalinoŭski Regiment for 2022 took place.

Regimental commander Dzianis "Kit" Prokharov and deputy regimental commander Vadim "Ihar" Kabanchuk spoke about the results of the year for the Kalinoŭski Regiment. There were raised questions regarding the combat units and political moves of the Regiment.

Stream recording you can find on our YouTube channel.

Congratulations from Ukrainian deputies

Ukrainian parliamentarians, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, congratulated the Belarusian volunteers from the Kalinouski Regiment on holidays.

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