20 February 2023

Weekly news 13-19.02 (№34)

Regimental battalions defending Bakhmut

Last week, the "Litvin" battalion together with the "Volat" battalion were on the hottest front line of Ukraine - the defense of Bakhmut. Intelligence of both battalions and mortar units worked. There is a confirmed destruction of the enemy's observation post with the personnel of the occupiers by the anti-tank missile complex "Milan". Our medical evacuation is actively worked at the same fromt line. It helped allied companies to evacuate the wounded.

The UAV regimental unit named after Nikita Kryutsov carried out reconnaissance of the enemy's positions and corrected the long-range artillery of the allied companies.

There were no losses or injuries last week in the Regiment.

The final stage of recruit training

The last week the press service visited the training base and recorded the final stage of training of recruits. After that recruits are assigned to some regimental unit. You can watch the report on our YouTube channel.

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