08 May 2023

Weekly news 01-07.05 (№45)

Front news

Battalion Volat and battalion Litvin worked together last week on one of the hottest areas of the front. Unfortunately, both battalions have wounded. Now their lives are not in danger. We cannot reveal the details of the combat tasks performed by our soldiers now for certain reasons. As soon as possible, all details will appear on all official networks of the Regiment.

New wings

Last week, the regimental UAV unit named after Nikita Kryutsov was engaged in monitoring the movement of the enemy and adjusted the fire on identified targets on one of the hottest lines of engagement. The pilots also worked effectively on the new wings, which flew directly to the rear of the occupiers. As a result of the work, dozens of heavy artillery storage sites, warehouses and firing positions of the enemy have already been discovered. All information is immediately transmitted to the headquarters for planning further actions. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot show the details and video of the work, but keep an eye on the regimental nets.

The work of the medical crew and the mechanized unit

The medical crew of the Regiment continues to provide uninterrupted support to all combat units of the Regiment.

Last week, the mechanized unit conducted a reconnaissance of the location of the equipment, ACS was evacuated. The T72B tank was also repaired.

There were no losses in the Kalinouski Regiment last week.

We sounded on Belarusian radio stations

Last week, appeals from soldiers of the Kalinouski Regiment were broadcast on Belarusian radio stations. It was a successful attempt to crash into the FM frequencies of the regime. The operation continues and we will broadcast in our native Belarus more and more often!

You can find all the latest news, details and details of events on our official website and on the Regiment's social networks.

Information related to the aid to the Kalinouski Regiment is also available in all our official sources.

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