14 May 2023

Weekly news 08-14.05 (№46)

Execution of tasks at the front

Last week, the Litvin battalion continued to forge tasks on one of the hottest areas of the front. All units of the battalion worked. Several soldiers were wounded. Now their lives are not in danger.

Last week, the Volat battalion was still working in Bakhmut. Battalion units continue to perform assigned tasks.

The UAV regimental unit named after Nikita Kryutsov carried out reconnaissance of positions in the rear of the enemy, artillery was adjusted based on the results. Also worked mortar crew.

The medical crew of the Kalinouski Regiment continues to provide uninterrupted support to the combat units of the regiment and its allies.

There were no losses last week either.

Meeting with Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine

An official meeting of the Kalinouski Regiment with Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine took place.

The Kalinouski Regiment expressed a firm and principled position on the unconditional preservation of all the rights of believers and creation of conditions for the implementation of freedom of conscience in Belarus after the overthrow of Lukashenka's dictatorship.

Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine told the path of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Ukrainian society to receive Thomas.

He thanked the Kalinouski Regiment for his help in defending Kiev and repelling Russian aggression.

Representatives of the Regiment met with Mark Feigin

Also last week, representatives of the Regiment met with Mark Feigin. They discussed the role of Belarusian volunteers in the Russian-Ukrainian war and the question of the liberation of Belarus in the future.

You can find all the latest news, details and details of events on our official website and on the Regiment's social networks.

Information related to the aid to the Kalinouski Regiment is also available in all our official sources.

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