04 June 2023

Weekly news 29.05-04.06 (№48)

Successful tasks of the UAV regimental unit

Last week, the regimental UAV unit named after Nikita Kryutsov destroyed the autonomous observation system "Grenadier" and the trench electronic warfare complex of the enemy. Also, after the successful reconnaissance and adjustment of the mortar crew, the living force of the occupiers was destroyed. After intercepting the enemy's negotiations, the losses were confirmed.

The Litvin battalion continues to work in eastern Ukraine

The Litvin battalion continues to work in the east of Ukraine. The heavy machine gun team and the battalion's UAV continued to stand on defense in the direction of Bakhmut. Also, the soldiers of the battalion, together with the adjacent units, took part in the localization of the evening and night assaults of the enemy.

Warriors of the Volat battalion were on rotation last week. Combat training of personnel was also carried out.

The medical crew of the Kalinouski Regiment continued to save the lives of soldiers of adjacent units, and also provided support to all combat units of the Regiment.

There were no casualties or injuries last week.

The first training of the reserve battalion on the territory of the European Union

Last week, the first trainings of the reserve battalion of the Kalinouski Regiment took place on the territory of the European Union. Communication is one of the main areas of preparation for war. The training was conducted by a soldier of the Kalinouski Regiment.

More will follow, therefore, we suggest that Belarusians in the territory of the European Union join us and send applications to the reserve battalion chatbot.

One can find links to chatbots and all other information on the Regiment's website and in all official sources.

Information related to the aid to the Kalinouski Regiment is also available in all our official sources.

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